Degenerative Diseases:
What are degenerative diseases? These are diseases–some of which–travel together and are not contagious. They are the result of a compromised matablism. Examples are: type 2 diabetes, heart disease, vasular disease, cancer, dementia, parnoia, scizafrenia, and pellegria. These are all related to lifestyle: diet, and environment. What is matablolism? It is the body’s production, use, and storage of energy. All of this will be explained in this or future articles.
Science has studied diseases since recorded time. Consider diabetes: the bodies of great leaders have been exhumed and tissue of bone and flesh–either frozen in nature for thousands of years or entombed in the great pyramids of Egypt– has been studied. One such frozen archeological find was the iceman, a prehistoric man found frozen in the Italian Alps. This specimen had been engaged in combat and shot with an arrow. With modern-day technology, scientests established that his last meal consisted of: fat from wild game, and einkorn wheat: he had some degree of arthritis. Einkorn wheat is naturally selected wheat of bibical time and eirler. This wheat made much less gluten and fewer chromosomes than in today’s “Franken” verities. The more chromosomes a plant has, the more protein it can code for, such as more gluten.(Topic for later articles) No mention of diabetes was made.
From the pyramids of Egypt, science tells us that even the pharaohs were not spared this menacing disease. The first documented case of this dreaded disease was recorded in Memphis, Egypt in 2670 BCE.
While diabetes is not a recently discovered disease, it is a recent epidemic.
“Examine the Facts
Over 38 million children and adults have diabetes in the United States.
It’s a nationwide epidemic.
The numbers associated with diabetes make a strong case for devoting more resources to finding a cure.”
The above are direct quotes from the American Diabetes Association. If you would like to read more of what the ADA has to say about diabetes, click on the “Read More” link above. However, do understand, that this is the same organization that has been telling us for decades that diabetes is a progressive and incurable disease. “We need medication to manage it.” What has been their recommended diet for diabetes? They would have you reduce dietary fat and eat several daily helpings of processed carbohydrates: the very foods that spike blood sugar and insulin in type two diabetics. Even in the quote above–it would seem they renounce all the studies finding that diet, alone, can cure diabetes. (type 2) It seems as though they still want to stand in the way of true treatment in favor of expensive medications, and continued research that has consistently come to naught: but, gives them a reason to exist. Read more about this organization here.
However, there are some instances where research should be continued. One of those areas is finding ways to grow new beta cells for folks who have type 1 diabetes or folks whose beta cells have been destroyed by decades of uncontrolled glucose.
Curious as to just what ADA is recomending as a healthy diet these days, I went to the above site. While they have recognized that too many carbohydrates can be problimatic, I did not notice a discussion about what charbohydrates are the issue. And true to form, they are still preaching a low fat diet. Never once have I known them to reference study after study about nature’s saturated fats as being healthy and requred for proper body functions. Nor, have I read where they have stated studies that show man-made seed oils (known as vegetable oils are the unhealthy culprits they are.
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As always, the staff of “Listen for the Trumpet” wishes you wellness and hope you choose a healthy lifestyle.